Friday, January 13, 2006

Shy & Quiet...

My husband and I were chatting one night this wk about a friend of a friend who is shy. Here's the comical conversation 'cause for those of you who know me, you'll see the humor and I love sharing a laugh:

Me: "I am happy for XXX and his new girlfriend XXX. She's very shy and quiet but she's very sweet and I like her."

Husband: "I am very happy for them too."

Me: "I don't like to judge anyone because they're shy. They can't help it.

I can be very shy and quiet at times too."

Insert husband falling on floor laughing hysterically and immediately in between laughing gasps for breath:

"I'm calling Miss XX (a best girlfriend) right now.. wait 'til she hears this one"..

Me: "What...... I am shy. -- I can be shy sometimes. What's so funny..... Aren't I shy sometimes? I think I am..... what?...."

Husband: "I'm calling Miss XX, Miss XXX and my dad! hahahahahahaha"

Miss XX: "hahahahahah Give me one example, Karla, of you being shy!"

F-in-law: more hysterical laughter.."My daughter-in-law shy!!!!!!!! No way!!!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, I love that she's not shy.. but no way!
Honey, maybe while you are sleeping you are shy, but that's about the only time I would think you may be shy!" hahahahahaha

Then husband proceeded to remind me about how I talk about all the friends I met on the bus from day one of taking the bus, and my 3 new best friends at Dunkins who at 6 a.m. are like "Hi, did they find your ***car yet? How was your vacation? Did you find a fun gift for your niece?

Next day I share the story w/ Miss XXX via email and here's her response:

XXX: Karla, here's you on the bus:....
"Hi, my name is Karla. When I was five I got a bike for Christmas. It was my favorite present ever. Grapefruit sour candy is my favorite. My friend has a new boyfriend. I loved him before I even meet him. I got engaged after three months to the best guy in the world. KB rode a unicycle at the potluck and sent it as her Christmas card. One of my cats is on a diet. What, you're not keeping up with all this...."

So.... after some comical conversations w/ friends/family, I've come to the conclusion that maybe I'm not shy after all.....

***Car was stolen this past wkend but haven't seen the humor in it enough to blog about it. Stay tuned....

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Best New Year's Day Gift...

'Twas the night before New Years, when all through the house,
the cats were stirring wondering why on New Years mom was home in the house;
the empty beer bottles were stacked by the sink with care,
in hopes that lawn junking girlfriends soon would be there;
the Hinsmans were nestled all snug in their bed,
while visions of chickalobes danced in their heads;
when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter,
away to the window I flew like a flash,
tore open the blinds and threw up the sash;
the moon on the breast of the new-fallen snowGave the lustre of mid-day to wonderful lawn junk objects below,
when, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but tons of beautifully placed lawn junk for neighbors to fear;
with a good and buzzed driver, so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment it must be the lawn junkers with wit;
someone whistled, shouted, and called them by name;”
Now, Tommy, now Tommy, and Tommy too,
Let’s make this yard look like a lawn junked zoo!”
So back to the suburbs they drove,

as they glanced back at their success of the lawn junked abode;
with the lawn junkers out of sight,
the Hinsmans screamed and leaped with joy “Happy New Year's Day 2006 and to all our neighbors, enjoy the great sight."